Tuesday, March 31, 2009

Internet Explorer 8.1 code name eagle eyes (Breaking news)

Even with the successful recent release of Internet Explorer 8, in some underground circles there is already talk going around about the next version of Internet Explorer: IE 8.1, codenamed Eagle Eyes. Loaded with exclusive features such as a new JavaScript engine and support of Firefox extensions. Overall the browser is faster, more flexible, more stable and also more secure and performs already much better than a recently released IE 8. One word sums up our experience with IE 8.1: Eagle Eyes is the browser that Internet Explorer should have brought on the market a long time ago - and now it’s finally here.

Notable Features and Updates

Improved Security
Microsoft has improved security measures in IE 8.1. The SmartScreen Filter and XSS Filter now catches 96% of known Malware and Phishing sites as opposed to the 75% success rate in the current version of IE 8.

Firefox Extensions Support
Now you can work with all plugins of firefox 3.0 in IE 8.1

Acid 3 test
Our test with IE 8.1 shows that it performs very well against the Acid3 Test, a test that checks how well a web browser follows web standards.

Fast JavaScript Engine
Microsoft has introduced new java script engine named JSE(java script speedy engine. Microsoft’s Development Team has worked with the Google Chrome Development Team to create JSE. Speed improvements of the Javascript engine are visible and clearly outperforms other browsers.

Multiple Browser Rendering Engines
In our exclusive interview with Mike Chelly, one of the senior developers of the IE development Team, we found out that Internet Explorer’s main priority during the development of the new browser was to make it much easier for developers to code and debug their sites:

Mike Chelly:
“One of our primary goals is to give developers an easier way to test and debug how their sites and web apps work in different browsers, from within one browser. We know in the past that we’ve gotten a bad rap for IE’s layout engine so we’re making up for this by not only releasing a web browser that outperforms every browser currently out there in terms of web standards support, but also gives you the chance to use another open source browser rendering engine in case you find ours isn’t good enough or if you want to make testing convenient and do it all from within the Eagle Eyes.“

Server-side decompiler
IE 8.1 will let you view the server-side source code of a web page.

Website Skins
IE 8.1 allows you to keep a list of websites that you’d like to re-skin. When you visit the site, it renders it into a prettier version by switching its style sheets. This will allow IE 8.1 users to replace the design of an unreadable website to a template that is more viewable.


  1. if all of this is true then we are seeing a better competitor of FF and chrome, I hope it will be far better browser then ie7. which was a huge hurdle for many developers to make their ideas come true.

  2. hope that it will not be as problematic as other IE things.
